Waiting. Well, I think that has been the flow of my life these past few weeks, actually, it still is. And I believe everything is worth the wait. Patience is indeed a virtue and perfect timing never meant more than now.
I turned 25 last August 20. That makes a lot of difference. At 25, I am patiently waiting that I achieve my ideal weight of 170 lbs or slightly lower. I am patiently waiting for my official appointment to the DFA. I am patiently waiting for my project to win in the finals yet again. I am patiently waiting for my PLR increase. I am patiently waiting for that special someone. I am patiently waiting for my sister to graduate and pass the bar. I am patiently waiting for that time where I can treat my whole family to a grand vacation somewhere outside the Philippines. I am patiently waiting for the time that I am finally at peace with what I really desire in life.
So many things really and it just takes time before everything becomes clear. In the process of patiently waiting, I believe our desires and wants become more distinct and meaningful at one point. What will I do in the next 25 years? The first 25 years was not that difficult. I passed that stage where I was helpless as a child, until I entered school and made the best out of it. 20 years later, I found myself graduating from the best school in the country, with flying colors. And then I got a job, acquired a home, established myself quite prominently in my company. At 25, however, I want change in so many areas in my life.
Yes, at this point in time, I want change for the better. I want something different, something fulfilling, something meaningful. I am in a constant search, and a change of scenery helps, I believe. For more than once in my life, I have asked myself one question, am I happy? Happiness is a fleeting experience. One day you're happy, the other, you're not. Yet meaning is something that will stay for long. Meaning creates that happiness within. I think my happiness is in something where meaning resides. As long as I can still see the meaning, as long as it still lights the way as a beacon does to a weary traveler, then I am happy.
In time, happiness shall be forever.